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Шаблоны письменных ответов  клиентам по часто возникающим ситуациям в Дропшиппинге.

В этой статье описаны некоторые из наиболее распространенных сценариев, с которыми вы можете столкнуться при обработке запросов в службу поддержки. Хотя, предоставленные шаблоны, следует использовать в максимально возможной степени, иногда вам может потребоваться составить свои собственные ответы или изменить части шаблона, чтобы они соответствовали специфике вопроса.

Отслеживание заказов.

Это самый распространенный запрос, который вам придется решать ежедневно. По мере того, как вы начнете выполнять все больше и больше таких запросов, вы заметите, что они будут иметь несколько разных вариаций. Наиболее распространены следующие:

Сценарий №1. Заказ клиента НЕ обработан

[Customer Name],


Thanks for the message. Happy to help!


Taking a look at your order, it appears that it is currently in-transit, and should arrive at your address shortly. You can keep an eye out for your order by filling out your order information on our tracking app: [link to app].


On average, our orders take [processing times] days to arrive at their final destination.


Hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.


Kind Regards,

[Agent Name]

[Company Name] Customer Support Representative

Сценарий №2. Заказ клиента обработан.

[Customer Name],


Thanks for the message. Happy to help!


Taking a look at your order, it appears that it is currently in-transit, and should arrive at your address shortly. You can keep an eye out for your order by filling out your order information on our tracking app: [link to app].


On average, our orders take [processing times] days to arrive at their final destination. For more specific details on our shipping and processing times, please do take a look at our policy page: [link]


Hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.


Kind Regards,

[Agent Name]

[Company Name] Customer Support Representative

Сценарий №3. Заказ клиента обработан, и клиент возмущен

[Customer Name],


Thanks for the message. Happy to help!


I’m sorry to hear that you have not yet received your package. Although we do our best to ensure that every order is processed and shipped in a timely fashion, sometimes unexpected delays can occur. Taking a look at your order, it appears that the order is currently [status].


That being said, we take full responsibility for the delivery of our packages, and in the event that a package is lost in transit, we will offer you a free-reship or a full refund.


I apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced, and thank you for your patience in this matter as we sort things out.


Hope this helps ! Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.


Kind Regards,

[Agent Name]

[Company Name] Customer Support Representative

Возврат и запросы на возврат


В соответствии с нашей политикой возврата и возмещения клиент должен иметь возможность получить либо бесплатную повторную отгрузку товара, либо полный возврат средств.

В общем, желательно проконсультироваться с клиентом и предложить ему бесплатную повторную доставку - однако, если клиент специально запрашивает возврат денег, не пытайтесь принудить его к бесплатной повторной доставке товара - просто предоставьте им их возврат.

Сценарий №1. Заказ доставлен и клиент недоволен

[Customer Name],


Thanks for the message. Happy to help!


I’m sorry to hear that you weren’t thrilled with your [product].


Although we do our best to ensure that each of our customers have a fantastic experience with [company name], sometimes we do fall short. That being said, we do stand by our [refund policy] and would like to make things right.


As such, I have gone ahead and processed a full refund for your order. You should receive an email confirmation shortly, and can expect the charge to be credited back to your credit card within 1-3 business days (depending on your financial institution).


Please do feel free to keep your [product].


Hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.


Kind Regards,

[Agent Name]

[Company Name] Customer Support Representative

Сценарий №2. Заказ клиента обработан и клиент возмущен.

[Customer Name],


Thanks for the message. Happy to help!


I’m sorry to hear that you weren’t thrilled with your [product].


Although we do our best to ensure that each of our customers have a fantastic experience with [company name], sometimes we do fall short. That being said, we do stand by our [refund policy] and would like to make things right.


As such, I have gone ahead and processed a full refund for your order. You should receive an email confirmation shortly, and can expect the charge to be credited back to your credit card within 1-3 business days (depending on your financial institution).


Please do feel free to keep your [product].


Hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.


Kind Regards,

[Agent Name]

[Company Name] Customer Support Representative

Изменить либо отменить заказ.

Клиент нередко спрашивает об изменении деталей заказа или его полной отмене. Модификации заказа обычно сводятся либо к изменению самого заказа (количество приобретенных товаров, изменение варианта, добавление / удаление товара (ов)), либо к изменению некоторых деталей доставки.

Независимо от этого, как правило, отмена или изменения невозможны после обработки заказа - однако, если возможно, всегда выполняйте запрошенные изменения как можно скорее.

Сценарий №1. Изменить заказ, еще не обработано.

[Customer Name],


Thanks for the message. Happy to help!


I have gone ahead and [describe order modification performed].


Hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.


Kind Regards,

[Agent Name]

[Company Name] Customer Support Representative

Сценарий №2. Изменить заказ, уже отправлен.

[Customer Name],


Thanks for the message. Happy to help!


Taking a look at your order, it appears that it has already been processed by our fulfillment team and is currently in transit.


Unfortunately, once an order has been processed, we cannot make any changes to the [address | details | x]. I apologize for the inconvenience.


Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns!


Kind Regards,

[Agent Name]

[Company Name] Customer Support Representative

Сценарий №3. Отменить заказ, еще не обработанный.

[Customer Name],


Thanks for the message. Happy to help!


I have gone ahead and canceled your order and refunded your payment. You should receive an email confirmation of your order status shortly, and can expect the charge to be credited to your credit card within 1-3 business days (depending on your financial institution).


Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns!


Kind Regards,

[Agent Name]

[Company Name] Customer Support Representative

Сценарий №4. Отменить заказ, уже отправлен.

[Customer Name],


Thanks for the message. Happy to help!


Taking a look at your order, it appears that it was processed on [date] and is currently in transit. Unfortunately, we are unable to cancel your order once processed.


That being said, if you find that you don’t absolutely love your [product], we offer a [return policy] that you may initiate once your order is delivered. For more information on doing so, please take a look at our refunds & returns policy: [link].


Hope this helps -- please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns!


Kind Regards,

[Agent Name]

[Company Name] Customer Support Representative

Запросы, связанные с коронавирусом


Эпидемия коронавируса во всем мире создала ряд различных проблем для предприятий электронной коммерции.

Вариации сценарий:

1. С момента размещения заказа прошло более [x] дней! Он застрял в пути! Где он находится?

[Customer Name],


Thanks for the message. Happy to help!


Due to the global attempts at slowing the spread of coronavirus (which includes extremely thorough screening of packages at airports, the shutting down of highways/airlines, as well as preventing employees from returning to work) shipping lines around the world have been significantly slowed down.


We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience, and will do everything we can on our end to ensure that you receive your order. (Please note that we do in fact take full responsibility for the receipt of all our packages; if you don’t get your package for whatever reason, we offer free re-ships or refunds at no additional cost to you).


Taking a look at your order, it appears that your package has been [describe status of order; packaged, shipped out of the country, arrived at customs, etc].


After speaking with our supplier and logistics managers, they have confirmed that orders are in fact making it out to customers -- albeit with some potential delays.


We kindly ask that you give the shipping lines a little more time to process your order.


Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you.


We thank you for your patience as we work with our various shipping lines in the coming days, and will update you with any developments regarding your order.


If you have any other questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask!


Kind Regards,

[Agent Name]

[Company Name] Customer Support

2. Я заметил, что посылка идет из Китая. Я не хочу рисковать заболеть COVID-19 - отмените мой заказ!

[Customer Name],


Thanks for the message. Happy to help!


I completely understand your concern in regards to the global COVID-19 epidemic, and have heard similar concerns from some of our other customers.


According to the WHO, there is no evidence that the virus can be spread through the handling of mail or packages, as the virus cannot survive the harsh and varying conditions encountered during shipment. For more information from the WHO in regards to how the virus spreads and whether or not you are at risk, please check the WHO FAQ article here:


Many of the customers that reach out to us with concerns about the coronavirus end up accepting their shipments, and have had no complaints or indications since.


That being said, if you still feel uncomfortable receiving the package, we completely understand, and can offer a full refund for your order.


If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask!


Kind Regards,

[Agent Name]

[Company Name] Customer Support

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